

文章出处:工程机械之家http://www.700618.com/人气: 发表时间:2022-12-29 11:01:10


答:1)混凝土摊铺机是将拌好的摊铺材料通过布料器分料、夯锤预压、熨平板整形、压路机、胶轮压路机压实后,形成的沥青路面。 2)滑模水泥摊铺机是将路面的水泥用布料器分料、震动泵提浆、熨平板整形后在做拉毛处理就完成的。滑模水泥摊铺机的摊铺装置是固定在主机上的,一般不用更换。 混凝土摊铺机有很多熨平板可选,以陕建生产的为例: 1)按类型分:常用的有VDT-121型和VDT-V88型。 2)按摊铺宽度分:121是2.5米~12米、V88是3米~9米。 3)按加热方式分:有GTC(气加热)和ETC(电加热)两种。 

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Concrete paver with sliding mode of the cement concrete paver paving device have similarities and differences?
Answer: 1) concrete paver is mixed paving materials by the case material, rammer preloading, screed to plastic, roller, roller roller compaction, after formation of the asphalt pavement. 2) the sliding concrete paver is pavement of cement cloth material, vibration feeder points pumping, pulp, screed plastic doing hair after processing is complete. Sliding mode of concrete paver paving device is fixed on a host computer, usually without replacement. Concrete paver has a lot of iron plate optional, to build production, for example: 1) according to the type points: commonly used VDT - 121 type and VDT - V88 type. 2) according to the paving width: 121 is 2.5 m ~ 12 m, V88 is 3 m to 9 m. 3) according to the heating mode: with GTC heating (gas) and ETC (electricity heating) two kinds.
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Companies to introduce
Supply the paver accessories, roller accessories, milling planer machine accessories, paver scraper drive shaft, scraper drive shaft assembly, leveling instrument, leveling instrument stents and hydraulic pump and accessories. Wearing parts, our factory also supply paver paver balance beam, stirring shaft, pedal, transporting base plate, blade, iron tablets, reducer, caterpillar, crawler plate, roller, scraper chain, transporting chain, etc.
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